Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Down n Out

Sooo yea lately I have been either 1 drugged up for the pain or 2 just in pain, because Iiii had my wisdom teeth removed. Alll four of them. OUCH!! Lotsa blood and smoothies. Best outcome is the smoothies. And people bring you stuff. :) But otherwise, AVOID AVOID. Cause the pain is a killer. But I had my Vicodin, and something else, so I take it whenever I need. ANNNYWAY.... I am pretty excited for October, because I am going to the "Squash the Beef" Tour at Jaxx Nightclub in VA - anyone else going?? Well it is just a small concert. It is going to have Tides of Man, Of Mice & Men, Emarosa, andd Dance Gavin Dance. The latter two being two of my favourite post-hardcore bands!! If you have not heard them, LISTEN, cause they are swanky [my word for awesome, super hot, fantabulous, etc. and whathaveyou]. Okay but anyway, if you have not heard any of them [all four bands aforementioned] LISTEN. Tides of Man and Of Mice & Men are pretty sswweett also. So yea. Well thing about that night is my overprotective father is like I am going with you.... I was like WTD!! He said yea, I am dropping you off, and if it looks like there are drugs we are leaving. Ummm.... Me no think so. I am 18 and he cannot say YAY or NAY to me going to a CONCERT. I am not NOT a druggy. So he has NO worries. Hmph. So my older sis bought this book containing awesome photography.... of naked men!!!! ;D Can I say, ladies, it is YUMMY!!!! Haha. Well.... Paul Freeman, if I may say, is a very very talented photographer. I want to be JUST LIKE HIM when I grow up!! :) Visit his site -

Anywhoot I am PREEETTY excited because I may MAY be going to Japan with my big bro to see my sis-in-law[yes, she is Japani]. I LOVE her. And she LOVES to shop.... So guess what, we gonna be spendin buckssssss :) SWANKY!!!! lls. Who has been to Japan?? Out of the country?? I wanna gooo EVERYWHERE!! Except some parts of Africa. Haha. Otherwise, I want to see the WORLD!! And that is a goal in my life. See the worlddd. On another thought, who has piercings?? Of any kind?? Nipple, belly, tongue, brow, *whispers penis*?? LLS. Well yea, what do you think?? I love piercings and tats [Might I say guys with lip rings are SO SEXY!!!!]. They are so freakin awesome. My ex had a million tats. So SO sexy. All he needed was a lip ring to top it off and he would have been a KEEPER!! Okay no I am not really that shallow, we ended for other reasons, but that is moot. Anyway, tats & piercings!! Who has a nipple piercing?? Guys?? Girls?? I am getting one!! What say you about this idea?? Bad one?? Good one?? Opinions please!!

Twice [-.-\/]

Tune, Travel Artista, whathaveyou :)

Friday, August 21, 2009


SO!! This is my second post.... I have no clue, whatsoever, about what to talk about.... Hmmm.... Well yea, Get A Clue [a blogger, aka my lil sis. lls] made a new post on Cobra Starship's new CD. Annd well yea I had heard a few new songs off their new album "Hot Mess". It is, in a word.... Awesomeness [AND the inside of that chick's lip on the cover really is tatted, she got it done just for that CD]. Okay sooo I am definitely buying that CD. Too bad the D.C. concert for them is sold out. DARN. Would have been fantabulous to go to. To anyone who is going, show them love for me. Lls. Even though I went to see them on the Believers Never Die Part Deux Tour, it can never be enough. Lls. Take it or leave it, and I would DEFINITELY take it again. And again. Lls. Moving on, I cannot waaaaait for Paramore's new CD "Brand New Eyes" to hit the stores in September on the 29th. Freakin awesome. Anywhoot that is that for music today.... Moving on.... Sooo my sister and I FINALLY got our [her's really but I know how to play] Guitar back AND I FINALLY found my sheet music from guitar class, so back to practicing and getting better. YESSSS. Who plays the Guitar?? Do you like it?? Love it?? I LOVE it!! And I occasionally play Piano, but I am not as good at that as I am at Guitar. And yet again, we can all say it, "Moving On". Lls. Well I went to visit AI - the Art Institute - yesterday. It was great. I love the sizes of the classes and everything. But the rents are making it muy difficult to go about going there. And another thing, they do not have drawing and painting, but they do have photography!!!! I like that, but.... Eh well my thing is more drawing and painting. But I can deal with photography and do drawing on the side. Who thinks that is a fairly good idea?? Or do you think I should go to another school for ARTS as in Drawing and Painting?? Haha. Opinions please.

Annd I have to get back to work - I am a normal person, yes, and I work :(



Monday, August 10, 2009

Yo Yo Yiggidy Yo

Sooo I am fairly new to this.... well as I said, FAIRLY. I created one for a change. Me n my bffl WERE supposed to be creating a comic buut idk. And we created a blog but idk about that either. Haha. Oh wells. Anywhoot. I am a random chick with random dreams. I would like to be the owner of the next biggest Art Gallery. I am really excited about this. I have SOME connections, some really awesome people always willing to help - some want a boon for a boon, but hey, it is somethin'. I am 18 [well come September i will be so i basically am], YAAY!! And.... okay I am in love with food music poetry and books. I am a multi-genre type of person. Yea.... I listen to alll kinds of music. Who is all for that?? I sure as hellokitty am!! Okay well this bloggity blig is not going to be alll about me. It is going to be about my fave things mentioned above, and the occasional issue with questions on things I may need some help on. So, feel free to comment. And if you feel it neccessary to leave terrible comments, well I do not care, because I am a noncare type of person. Haha. so.... I hope that my bloggity bligs entertain you somewhat. ;p

Travel Artista